

We were at Model Secondary School, Maitama on the 23rd of May, 2023 to launch our ADHEALTH campaign. It was also an avenue to commemorate the menstrual hygiene day which took place on the 28th of May. Menstruation is a normal fact of life in the girl child, but many women all over the world face a period stigma. We celebrate this day to join in breaking the silence, raise awareness and change negative social norms around menstrual hygiene. We trained over 80 girls on the importance of hygiene and menstruation Our program coordinator on Gender and Human rights trained the girls in a session designed to provide them with important information and practical tips for maintaining good menstrual hygiene. The right way to wear a pad was also demonstrated. This was very insightful for the girls as many of them have not started menstruating. By the end of this session, they had a better understanding of why menstrual hygiene is important, how to maintain good menstrual hygiene, and how to manage menstrual hygiene effectively. Sanitary pads were also distributed at the end of the event.   The aim of the campaign is to: To educate secondary school students about the importance of personal and menstrual hygiene. To empower 12,000 girls with the knowledge and resources necessary to manage their menstrual hygiene effectively. To reduce the stigma associated with menstruation and promote a positive attitude towards menstrual hygiene. To promote healthy habits and behaviors among secondary school students. We hope to continue this great work we have started. We have a pad donation bank coming up soon. So keep your eyes on our socials and website to be a part of the movement.


Reforming Lives: Empowering Inmates through Education in Nigerian Correctional Centers

As a part of the Beyond the Wall Initiative by Legend Golden Care Foundation, on the 9th and 10th of May 2023, we donated some items to equip the E-Learning Center of the Suleja Correctional Center and make it fully functional. These items include, 15 desktops 1 laptop Internet router, generator Television sets, An all in one printer. We equally pledged to sponsor some students. Correctional centers serve a crucial role in society, not only as places of punishment but also as institutions for reform and rehabilitation. Their primary objective is to provide inmates with the necessary tools and skills to reintegrate into society and become law-abiding citizens upon release. However, recidivism rates remain high, when inmates are released without skills and proper rehabilitation, they find it hard to reintegrate back into the society, as they have nothing to fall back on, they tend to embrace a life of crime. E-learning centers have been established in Correctional centers, however, funding remains a major issue, and so these centers are mostly under-equipped and not functional. Understanding Recidivism: Recidivism refers to the relapse into criminal behavior by individuals who have received sanctions or intervention for previous offenses. It is a global issue, and Nigeria is witnessing a significant rise in recidivism rates, with statistics showing that over 60% of inmates are repeat offenders. Several factors contribute to this problem, including the lack of effective reintegration programs and the unemployability of ex-convicts. Challenges in Reintegration: One key factor contributing to recidivism is the absence of quality reintegration programs within correctional facilities. Inmates often lack the necessary support and guidance to navigate their reentry into society successfully. Without proper preparation, many individuals become institutionalized and struggle to readjust to life outside of prison. Additionally, the lack of employable skills or educational qualifications further hampers their chances of finding gainful employment. The Role of Education: Education plays a vital role in reducing recidivism rates and enabling successful reintegration. By providing inmates with access to quality education, including skill acquisition and certification programs, correctional centers can equip them with the tools needed to secure employment, become self employed and contribute positively to society. Education fosters personal growth, enhances critical thinking abilities, and opens doors to better opportunities, both during and after incarceration. The Suleja Correctional Center Project: The project focused on the Suleja Correctional Center is one effort to address the difficulties Nigerian inmates face. This project aims to donate and equip the education center within the facility with functional computers and internet connectivity. Currently, the center lacks the necessary resources to offer online examinations and certifications, forcing inmates to be transported to better-equipped facilities. This transportation incurs additional costs and security risks. The Impact of the Project: By providing the Suleja Correctional Center with functional computers and internet access, inmates will have the opportunity to receive lectures, prepare for examinations, and obtain educational certifications within the facility. This initiative will significantly enhance their employability and increase their chances of successful reintegration into society. Equipped with essential skills and qualifications, these individuals will be better positioned to secure employment and contribute positively to their communities upon release. Conclusion: The issue of recidivism in Nigeria calls for a comprehensive approach to prison reform. By prioritizing education and reintegration programs, we can break the cycle of crime and transform the lives of inmates. The project focused on equipping the education center in the Suleja Correctional Center with functional computers and internet access, which is a significant step towards empowering inmates through education. With improved access to educational resources, these individuals can develop their potential, become employable, and find hope and purpose in their lives. Ultimately, a society that invests in the rehabilitation and reformation of its inmates builds a stronger foundation for a safer and more prosperous future.

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  Investing in the education of girls will transform the world. A girl who attends school is less likely to marry at an early age and more likely to have a long, healthy, and productive life. They earn more money, have a voice in the issues that matter most to them, and enhance the futures of themselves and their families. Girls’ education contributes to economic growth and makes things more equitable. It strengthens and stabilizes civilizations, allowing everyone, especially boys and men, to realize their full potential. Nevertheless, females’ education is much more than simply attending school. It is also about ensuring that girls feel secure and encouraged in the classroom and in the topics and vocations they pick, even if they are uncommon. Women are underrepresented in technical sectors worldwide due to the structure of the employment market, the internalisation of women’s expectations, and the persistence of traditional notions of the roles of men and women. In 2019, the tech industry employed a total of 5.1 million men and 2.5 million women, or 67% males and 33% women (CompTIA, 2020).   The Legend Golden Care Foundation initiated the Girls’ Empowerment in Technology project for this reason. This project will benefit the girls by equipping them with modern technological capabilities. These talents will aid in their development in the world and within their local society. This project will enhance a society’s problem-solving skills and creative culture by training its future leaders on how to be entrepreneurs. On February 13, 2023, GETECH was introduced at the offices of the Legend Golden Care Foundation. The International Office on Migration (UN Migration), Women in ICT, the High-tech centre for women and youth, TECHHER, the school principal of GSS Mpape, media outlets, and LGCF staff attended the event. The initiative, objective, plans, and purpose of the project were all discussed again at the launch. We urge the government, CSOs, NGOs, and everyone to participate in Girls’ Tech Empowerment and education by mandating that educational institutions from elementary through postsecondary make ICT instruction more hands-on. Additionally, instead of the traditional academic assessment, every student should be tested on their ICT skills via a practical examination.Libraries and laboratories should be made available in schools to improve instruction.ICT labs in schools must be staffed by skilled personnel. Continuous training on the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process should be provided to educators.Each school and student should produce ICT-related projects at the completion of each academic year. We anticipate the completion of this project and the achievement of the full potential of girls through technology education.   Previous Next


RECIDIVISM: Do the Correctional Centers Truly Rehabilitate?

By Ogonna Okeke Program Officer Legal – Social Justice & Prison Welfare at LGCF Correctional centers previously known as prisons in the Nigerian context are not just meant to punish inmates but also reform and rehabilitate them, teaching them to reintegrate and be lawful citizens when released. The major reason behind the establishment of any prison in any part of the country is not just to punish but also to provide rehabilitative and reformatory facilities for those who have violated the rules and regulations of their society. This is not often the case as a high percentage of people after being incarcerated for a while relapse and turn back to crime. This is what is meant by Recidivism. Recidivism is generally used to describe a repetitious criminal activity or behavior and a recidivist offender is an individual who repeatedly engages in criminal acts. It refers to a person’s relapse into criminal behavior, often after the person receives sanctions or undergoes intervention for a previous crime. A lot of criminals upon release are rearrested within a few years of release. While recidivism is a global issue, it is reported that there is a rise in Nigeria as the prison system is witnessing an enormous increase in people relapsing into criminality. Statistics from Nigerian prisons shows that over 60% of inmates are recidivists. Generally, recidivism is attributed to a plethora of factors, which includes; Discrimination by the society as released offenders often suffer a lot of stigmatizations in the society. The attitude of the society towards them is usually not welcoming, so re-entry into the society becomes an issue as even employers may not want to recruit ex-convicts. There is also the issue of lack of reintegration programs, as the correctional facilities do not provide quality reintegration programs that prepare inmates to reenter the society. Inmates who are away for a long time often have no idea on how to blend back into the society and a lot become institutionalized and more comfortable with the prison system. One other factor is the unemployability of ex-convicts. A lot of inmates are discharged without any form of skills or educational qualification, leaving them unemployable. More often than not they resort back to crimes upon release as that might be the only thing they are familiar with. Lack of employment also is a factor, as sometimes even when an ex-convict is suitable for a job, employers are not usually open to employ them due to the stigma that comes with incarceration. Unaddressed mental issues by ushering demoralized people back into society can lead to recidivism. Without programs to support them psychologically, socially, and physically and motivate inmates while in prison, they may be released seriously demoralized without any idea of how to support and fend for themselves. Drug abuse and peer pressure are also contributing factors as most criminals upon release are likely to move back to old environments and friends that might have led them to crime and so starts a cycle of reoffending. Recidivism poses a serious challenge to not just the individual concerned but also the society at large. Therefore, it is very necessary to look into ways to curb it. Firstly, the issue of mental health should be taken seriously, professional counseling and guidance should be provided for inmates, and they should be mentally, psychologically, and socially prepared for the outside world. Reintegration programs that focus on skill acquisition and educational certification should be adopted to equip inmates with the skills and certifications they may require to be gainfully employed when they leave prison. Government should come up with policies and programs that aid ex-convicts, especially with employment and income to keep themselves busy and useful upon release. Government agencies and initiatives can be set up to employ and absorb qualified ex-convicts, making it easy for them to earn an income upon release. This would in turn spur other organizations to do so. Sensitization programs to educate the public and change the stereotypes and stigmatization of ex-convicts and make society more open to them should be encouraged. After incarceration programs like the parole system should also be introduced as this helps the ex-convicts remain accountable and can deter them from crime. Leaving the prison wall should offer a fresh start to incarcerated people, although reintegration can be overwhelming and hard, as a society we should all work together to accept and adopt ex-convicts and ultimately reduce recidivism.  

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