Investing in the education of girls will transform the world. A girl who attends school is less likely to marry at an early age and more likely to have a long, healthy, and productive life. They earn more money, have a voice in the issues that matter most to them, and enhance the futures of themselves and their families.

Girls’ education contributes to economic growth and makes things more equitable. It strengthens and stabilizes civilizations, allowing everyone, especially boys and men, to realize their full potential.

Nevertheless, females’ education is much more than simply attending school. It is also about ensuring that girls feel secure and encouraged in the classroom and in the topics and vocations they pick, even if they are uncommon.

Women are underrepresented in technical sectors worldwide due to the structure of the employment market, the internalisation of women’s expectations, and the persistence of traditional notions of the roles of men and women. In 2019, the tech industry employed a total of 5.1 million men and 2.5 million women, or 67% males and 33% women (CompTIA, 2020).


The Legend Golden Care Foundation initiated the Girls’ Empowerment in Technology project for this reason. This project will benefit the girls by equipping them with modern technological capabilities. These talents will aid in their development in the world and within their local society. This project will enhance a society’s problem-solving skills and creative culture by training its future leaders on how to be entrepreneurs.

On February 13, 2023, GETECH was introduced at the offices of the Legend Golden Care Foundation. The International Office on Migration (UN Migration), Women in ICT, the High-tech centre for women and youth, TECHHER, the school principal of GSS Mpape, media outlets, and LGCF staff attended the event. The initiative, objective, plans, and purpose of the project were all discussed again at the launch.

We urge the government, CSOs, NGOs, and everyone to participate in Girls’ Tech Empowerment and education by mandating that educational institutions from elementary through postsecondary make ICT instruction more hands-on. Additionally, instead of the traditional academic assessment, every student should be tested on their ICT skills via a practical examination.
Libraries and laboratories should be made available in schools to improve instruction.
ICT labs in schools must be staffed by skilled personnel. Continuous training on the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process should be provided to educators.
Each school and student should produce ICT-related projects at the completion of each academic year.

We anticipate the completion of this project and the achievement of the full potential of girls through technology education.


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